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Honors Program

"The Honors Program at Minnesota State University, Mankato is committed to supporting motivated undergraduate students by providing them with exceptional learning opportunities, mentoring relationships, and a supportive community that fosters their personal, academic, and professional development."


                                                                          - MNSU Honors Department

Mission Statement

Why Honors

My mission statement is to expand others' financial literacy and help them achieve their financial goals. 


I am in the Honors program because It allows me to think about my academic journey differently. While being part of it, I always ask myself how to improve my Leadership and Global citizenship competencies. Asking those questions helped me to gain relevant experiences and be academically successful. In addition to this, being a member helped me get two scholarships for this academic year. While applying for scholarships, I have included my Honors Program membership to excel among other applicants. Finally, I joined this program to get early access to class registration when I was a sophomore. 

My experience at MNSU allowed me to meet many Honors competencies. I have been working as a Community Advisor for three years in 3 different residential communities and was an Orientation Peer Assistant last summer. In addition to this, I have an opportunity to do many volunteering services. Unfortunately, while having an active academic lifestyle and many volunteering experiences, I could not take advantage of events hosted by Honors Program representatives due to my responsibilities and busy schedule.

I am about to graduate, so at this point, there is not much to get from the program. But I believe that offering scholarships and employment opportunities for Honor Students would help a lot to succeed academically and personally. 


I will use my Honors portfolio for the job application as it helps to share my experiences with employers and stand out. Also, I will include Honors Experiences on my resume and LinkedIn profile.



Tap to download Honors Portfolio Experience Log

Honors Competencies

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